Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Symptoms of an Eye Infection

One problem that many cat owners have to deal with is a feline or cat eye infection. This is a problem that can be caused by different factors, such as viruses, bacteria, or fungus. Learning to identify an infection early is vital to stop your cat from suffering. An eye infection can be caused by the action of a virus.

This case the virus that causes more problems is the Feline Herpevirus I. This is a virus that produces most cases of conjunctivitis in cats. Treatment must be given early or further symptoms of this condition may appear. You need to use special drops that are prescribed by a veterinarian.

There are other viruses that can cause feline eye infection, such as Feline Panleukopenia, Feline Leukaemia Complex, Feline Infectious Peritonitis and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. In some of this cases it is part of a larger underlying condition.Cat eye infection caused by bacteria is called Chlamydiosis.

Eye Infection Important


Along with Feline Herpevirus I is one of the common causes of conjunctivitis. How do you recognize it?Symptoms are nasal discharge, irritation, inflammation in the eye, among others. Finally the infection in your cat can be caused by a fungus called Cryptococcosis. Cats get this fungus because of a presence in the environment or from another cat biting.

You normally don't notice the fungus, once it shows as inflammation it is already affecting the nervous system. What you need to do is take your cat to the veterinarian immediately. The treatment for this type of eye infection consists of anti fungal medication.

If you prefer natural alternatives, you should know that there are some natural products used in case of conjunctivitis caused by bacteria. If you are interested, it would be a good idea to talk to your veterinarian about the best brands out there to try.
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Monday, January 4, 2010

Eye Infection Treatment - How to Relieve Eye Infection Fast at Home With Natural Methods

When you suffer from eye infections, the first thing you should do is to use effective methods to treat it as soon as possible. The sooner actions are taken, the faster it will be relieved. Leaving it along will only make things worse. I am going to share some killer tips to treat infected eyes at home so that you can keep it into control without worsening.

Whenever you have swollen eyes, eye redness and pain with sticky crust, you should take the following DIY methods to treat your eyes immediately. And keep your hands clean by washing them frequently and carefully with soap frequently. Don't touch your eyes with hands, either.

The first eye infection treatment is cleaning. Use a cotton swab dipped into distilled water to clean your eyes carefully. Make sure that you don't use the same swab for both eyes. Do it every hour preferably. This will alleviate the symptoms such as inflammation and pain.

The second infection treatment for eyes is cold compress. Wrap ice cubes with a clean cloth and put it on your eyes. Another way is to dip a clean cloth into cold water and compress it onto the eyes. Don't press the cold cloth on the eyes for a long time because the eyes and the skin around them can be damaged by the coldness. You can take it away after seconds, take a break of seconds and then compress it on the eyes again.

The third treatment is herbal therapy. Tea bags can alleviate inflammation and get the muscles around the eyes relaxed. Immerse a tea bag into hot water for minutes and put it onto the closed eyes. Irritation and inflammation in the eyes can also be reduced immediately by washing the eyes with aloe vera gel. Rip the plant leaf vertically and drop the gel into the eyes.

These eye infection treatments can effectively relieve the symptoms within one or two days. If the symptoms continue or even get worse after that period of time, you should seek medical care from the doctor.
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